Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Railroad Press

Every time I get involved in a new hobby I wind up with a new set of books and magazine around the house. Trains has been no exception. It started with one magazine called “Trains” and now I think I'm up to at least three. While looking over the magazine rack at Borders Books the other day I found a new one. It is called The Railroad Press and has a red diamond logo in the upper left corner of the front cover with the letter TRP in white.

This is an exceptional magazine! The photography is beyond description you just have to see it for yourself. The writing is clear and concise and the story content is very interesting. About the only down side I can find is that it is not published every month like others. Rather it is a quarterly publication coming out four times a year. The issue I picked up is issue #66 JUL/AUG/SEP, 2005 so that means it will be October before another one hits the news stands. Without a doubt I will be subscribing to this one.

When I went to check out the publisher I found out that they are located right here in Pennsylvania.

The Railroad Press
PO Box 444
Hanover, PA 17331

Check out there web site for additional information. Good reading!