Sunday, July 03, 2005

Good times, old friends and rail fans

I have been friends with Bill and Jenny Humphrey for over twenty five years now. They are really good people and Bill is one of the most avid train enthusiasts I know. He was bitten by the bug LONG before I was and someday I will have to ask him how he came to be so enamored with the machines of iron. Matter of fact I will see him this morning and I will make myself a note to have that conversation.

This wonderful couple recently celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary and their kids put together a dinner in their honor to which Linda and I were invited. Held in the basement of our church here in Oakmont yesterday evening we had about one hundred friends and family for the joyous occasion.

When I arrived Bill was sitting off to one side talking with a couple that I didn't recognize but I thought looked familiar. When I walked up to say hello Bill introduced Glenn McClintock and his wife Pat. Now I didn't remember where I had seen Glenn before but he remembered me. We had met last year at the Western Pennsylvania Model Railroad Museum.

A group of us that check into the Rail Fan Net on two meters each week had gotten together for a road trip to the museum and descended on the place like a heard of turtles. The museum is open to the public during the holiday season starting in November and running through January. The layout at the Carnegie Science Center gets all the media publicity during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season and it is a great display which I love to visit when I get the chance. However, if you are a true rail fan the WPMRM is the premier event in the Pittsburgh area. Wander over to their web site [Western Pennsylvania Model Railroad Museum] and take a virtual tour and you will begin to see why I make this statement. Then mark your calendars for the fall when you can visit in person and experience first hand one of the best model railroad layouts on the east coast of the United States.

Just to put the icing on the cake it turns out that Glenn is also an amateur radio operator. He is not currently active in the hobby and on the air but I am going to work on changing that. I'm sure after talking with him that he would enjoy our weekly rail fan net on the 146.880 repeater and would be a great source of information for the net with his knowledge of the rails.

So what was already a great evening helping Bill and Jenny celebrate their anniversary also included a few enjoyable hours of discussing trains both real and scale. Life is good.