Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Last week on the Rail Fan Net

Last week we had an interesting Rail Fan Net on the 146.88 repeater Thursday night. Dennis, KB3HPC, was delayed by a previous work related engagement so I got to sit in the conductors seat and run the net. I dubbed myself “break man in training” not yet being of the stature of Dennis in knowledge of matters related to railroading.

Late in the net we were joined by Paul, N0VLR, who was leaving a club meeting and had with his two meter rig on scan had found the Rail Fan Net quite by accident. This turned out to be our good fortune as Paul works for Union Switch & Signal makers of control systems for the railroad industry. Paul writes the software that allows the complex movements of trains on the network of rails that crisscrosses our country. It was an interesting conversation to say the least.

Tomorrow as each week we will once again meet on the air to talk about all things railroad and you are invited to join. If you are a licensed amateur radio operator you will find us on the North Hills Amateur Radio Club's 146.880 repeater at 09:30 PM local time. If you are not a ham and you have access to a police scanner you can listen in by programming 146.880 into one of the scanners channels. If you would like to participate in the net you can send your questions or comments to Dennis at and he will do his best to get your comment on the net or your question answered. Hope you can join us each Thursday evening.