Friday, July 28, 2006

Rail fan net of July 27 2006

Last nights rail fan net turned out to be very interesting. One of the new stations to check in was Mike, KB3LMF, who stumbled across the net for the first time. Now we get newcomers all the time, what was exciting about Mike coming on board is that he is an engineer for Amtrak. Needless to say there were numerous questions for him before the close of the net.

There was no trivia question for last week since we held the first ever Rail Fan Fest at Steel City Amateur Radio Club. I think Bill, N3BPB, did go in the radio room and bring up the net at 09:30 but I did not participate and Craig, KB3KBH, who supplies us with our trivia questions each week was out in the main room with me. I will have a more complete blog entry on the Rail Fan Fest latter complete with pictures.

Here is the trivia question for this week.

What is a railroader talking about when speaks of “the six foot.

Check back here next week for the answer and a new trivia question.


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